Saturday, July 25, 2015

Stencil storage

I had so much fun last night setting up my stencil storage via Carolyn Dube!  She had it right, j-hooks on a rod.  My sweet husband rigged the rod on my old school desk.  I think he called it all thread then had a tubing that went over that.  They slide really well and I had kept enough packaging to hold the masks, then hanging with j hook.  

I ordered the j hooks from amazon and paid extra to have next day shipping.  Is that sick or what?  Can't wait to gelli print with all my stuff around me!


Aimeslee Winans said...

Hi Micky. I check in every so often and am always delighted to read what you are up to. Just wish you would add the blog posts via email option that Blogger offers! That's how I read all my blogs and never miss a post. Hint hint hint! :-)

Anyway, yes, I believe it. Week of Fathers Day I paid for next day when I bought a selfie kit. Was just determined we were gonna have photos. Ended up not taking a one!

Love your ganesh stamps guy and all you have shared! xoxo said...

Thanks for reading Aimeslee! I'm not sure how to add that feature but will try.