Saturday, November 16, 2019

new quilt!

Miss Lucy approved the fabric for the new quilt I'm going to make. She loves to find the tallest pile of soft and lay down on it!

I got my mosaic section of the studio laid out by the fireplace. It was everything I could do to stop myself from going to town on that ugly tile around the pellet stove but need to do some planning first. With Elvis there it turned into a little altar. I love it. When the sun hits the glass beads it is magical. John is going to help me out with that project.

I really need to get the unpacking finished so I can spend the winter on projects! I have SO many plans already. Lace the windows in the bathrooms with corn starch, mosaic the brick sidewalk, make a quilt, make something with all the scarfs and lace and hankies I've collected over the last 15 years. I could go on and on.

It was really exciting to get to pick out fabrics at Marden's today! I was shopping for furniture but when I found the bottom two pieces of 108" wide fabric with the perfect colors for backing the fun began! I haven't gone through my stash but am sure I have more to go with! I didn't have a picture of the rug but I remembered all the colors.

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